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Yogra Nidra

Yogra Nidra

Autor: Dr. Richard Miller

Número de Páginas: 152

Adecuado tanto para principiantes como para practicantes avanzados, pero nuevo para la mayoría de los occidentales, el yoga nidra ofrece una manera incomparable de experimentar la culminación del arte del yoga, y acceder a las recompensas físicas, emocionales y espirituales más profundas que su práctica nos aporta. En este libro y en el audio vinculado a él (meditaciones guiadas disponibles online), Richard Miller comparte con nosotros los pasos básicos de esta disciplina, adónde conduce cada paso, y qué beneficios podemos obtener durante el proceso. Como mínimo, el yoga nidra te llevará a experimentar una relajación profunda, a liberarte del estrés crónico, a disfrutar de un sueño reparador, a resolver muchos de los rompecabezas de tu vida y a experimentar una mayor sensación de armonía en tu existencia diaria y tus relaciones. Como aportación final, te permitirá descubrir tu verdadera naturaleza; la paz que está más allá de toda descripción y que te pertenece por derecho de nacimiento. Esta paz no es una promesa vacía o algo reservado a unos pocos elegidos. Esta paz está presente y disponible para ti en este momento.

The IRest Program for Healing PTSD

The IRest Program for Healing PTSD

Autor: Richard C. Miller

Número de Páginas: 224

Offers a ten-step meditation-based program intended to help those afflicted with post traumatic stress disorder manage their symptoms and gradually recover a sense of normalcy, well-being, and mental balance.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Autor: Richard Miller

Número de Páginas: 168

A new edition of this acclaimed guide—updated with the most current, research-supported iRest® practices and insights Within you resides an ever-present self that is always whole and healthy, filled with an abiding sense of inner peace, and completely indestructible. This is your true Essence, and no matter what you’ve been through in the past, it is here, waiting to be recognized, embodied, and remembered. In this updated edition of his groundbreaking book Yoga Nidra, yogic scholar and clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Miller invites you to experience iRest®—a research-based approach to the ancient meditative art of Yoga Nidra. While Yoga Nidra is perhaps best known as a practice for deep relaxation and better sleep, at its heart lies a profound path to inner freedom. With practice, we discover that everything we need to find healing, presence, and joy is already within us. With clear instruction, new insights into the deeper roots of well-being, supplemental worksheets, and online audio practices, Miller guides you step-by-step to: • Discover life-changing practices for vibrant health, personal empowerment, and inner transformation • Enjoy complete relaxation and...

Yoga After 50 For Dummies

Yoga After 50 For Dummies

Autor: Larry Payne

Número de Páginas: 352

Improve balance, flexibility, and overall well-being Yoga is a terrific way to stay fit and improve mental clarity, balance, agility, and flexibility. Written by the founding president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, this book takes the guesswork out of starting or continuing yoga at 50 and beyond. You’ll learn how to adapt stances and breathing to your changing body to reap the benefits of this ancient practice and use it to calm your mind and body—one pose at a time. - Discover step-by-step instructions for more than 45 poses - Relieve stress - Leverage your breathing - Target weak spots, avoid injury, and deal with pain and chronic conditions - Discover yoga popular apps Larry Payne, Ph.D, is the founding president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and coauthor of Yoga for Dummies. Named “one of America’s most respected yoga teachers” by the Los Angeles Times, he also developed the yoga program at UCLA School of Medicine and Loyola Marym

Rest is Radical

Rest is Radical

Autor: Mel Skinner

Número de Páginas: 178

Radical rest can not only improve physical health, support mental wellbeing and increase emotional resilience but can even change the way we think about ourselves and the world around us. In Rest is Radical, Mel Skinner gives us nine principles which provide the foundation and guidelines to radical rest along with yoga practices that lead us to an embodied way of understanding the principles through the felt experience of slowing down. She explores how symptoms of depression, anxiety, addiction and more can be supported with the practices she shares. This is an invitation to move towards stillness, and in doing so discover a life more peaceful, contented and joyful.

Our Inner Ocean

Our Inner Ocean

Autor: Lecain W. Smith

Número de Páginas: 511

This book describes ancient and new holistic modalities of practitioner-applied bodywork and revitalizing self-care practices that illuminate our human potential and awaken our ability to attain and maintain perfect health and well-being.

El uso mágico y ritual de los afrodisiacos

El uso mágico y ritual de los afrodisiacos

Autor: Richard Alan Miller

Número de Páginas: 144

Aphrodisiacs--the "foods of love" that increase sexual desire and potency--fall into two classifications: biochemical, which have a direct effect on sexual activity, and the more important group whose effects are psychophysiological in nature. Richard Alan Miller provides comprehensive and detailed information on using both kinds of aphrodisiacs. • Emphasizing the powerful role of the mind on the biochemistry of sexuality, Miller shows how intention and motivation can be focused to greatly augment the physical effects of these substances. • To stimulate the imagination and enhance both the physical and psychological effects of aphrodisiacs, the author suggests specific contemporary rituals drawn from sources as diverse as Tantric yoga and Western magic. • In previous editions, this and the author's other titles have sold more than 50,000 copies.

Cultivating Mindfulness in Clinical Social Work

Cultivating Mindfulness in Clinical Social Work

Autor: Terry B. Northcut

Número de Páginas: 218

This practice-focused resource integrates broad therapeutic knowledge with current neuroscience to present vast possibilities for mindfulness in clinical social work. Seasoned practitioners posit mindfulness practice and process as a significant bridge between taking care of self and taking care of others, demonstrating its implications for physical and mental health in personal and professional contexts. Case studies show timeless concepts (e.g., acceptance) and new mindfulness-based ideas (e.g., learned helpfulness) in use in individual treatment as well as couples counseling and group interventions. Also attesting to the utility of mindfulness across problems, settings, and practitioner orientations, diverse applications are organized along ten robust lenses, among them: • Beginning with the context: the mind-body conundrum.• Beginning with the body: the neurobiology of mindfulness.• Beginning with the training: training clinicians in essential methods for integrating mindfulness in clinical practice.• Beginning with the clients: mindfully reconciling opposites with survivors of trauma/complex traumatic stress disorders.• Beginning with the symptom: incorporating...

Empowered Body

Empowered Body

Autor: Michele Theoret

Número de Páginas: 222

This book will empower you to become more engaged in your moment-to-moment experiences, changing the way you show up everyday in your body and life. The body speaks we are just not listening. Doing less and being more is a health secret-actually slowing down long enough to reconnect and align with the body and its infinite intelligence and possibilities. There is so much research pointing towards interoception (feeling inside yourself) mindfulness (actually being in the moment vs. mind wandering) movement and relaxation as medicine for the body, mind and spirit. This book will provide insight into the way stress effects the body and how we can use the practice of yoga including, mindful movement, breathing, meditation, self massage, reflection, embodied anatomy and interospection to change the way we exist in our bodies and lives; turning our postures to prayers and movement as medicine.

The Way of the Hammock

The Way of the Hammock

Autor: Marga Odahowski

Número de Páginas: 256

The Way of the Hammock provides a busy person with practical ways to cultivate calm and enhance creativity. Marga Odahowski shares simple techniques and powerful stories that emphasize the value of relaxation, mindfulness, and positivity in strengthening decision making and achieving greater peace and well-being. Marga also draws on a designer’s method of visualization and reiteration to help you maintain beauty and ease throughout the change process. Designers know that a playful attitude and joyful mind-set are essential to insight and innovation . . . and why should they have all the fun! This book will become your own well-worn tool for transformation from "crazy busy" to calm and creative. You’ll learn to: • Implement simple, straightforward techniques for overcoming challenges in your life and making each day feel relaxed, positive, and fulfilled. • Make confident decisions with one easy practice. • Use a design tool customized to enhance your creativity and provide relief from tension, stress, and anxiety.

Chamanes, místicos y doctores

Chamanes, místicos y doctores

Autor: Sudhir Kakar

Número de Páginas: 444

Investigaci n-recorrido por la India que pone de manifiesto el estrecho v nculo que existe entre la idea de la salud y de los m todos terap uticos en las sociedades orientales y occidentales. Pensamiento m gico y pensamiento cient fico se encaran en chamanes, m sticos, doctores y gur es que ofrecen sus testimonios.

Yoga Nidra y Mindfulness

Yoga Nidra y Mindfulness

Autor: Ignasi Jyotirananda

Número de Páginas: 104

Probablemente, hace ya algun tiempo que te ronda por la cabeza la idea de practicar alguna tecnica de meditacion que te ayude a parar, aunque sea por unos minutos, esos pensamientos repetitivos de la mente que te agotan, te estresan y te dejan sin energias. Pues estas de suerte: este libro te lo explica y con el podras practicar una tecnica de meditacion guiada con enfoque occidental, facil y eficaz incluso para principiantes. Las primeras veces que se practica Nidra Darshan, la experiencia es realmente sorprendente: vas siguiendo una serie de instrucciones en un orden curioso y casi sin darte cuenta, al cabo de poco rato y para la mayoria de los practicantes, puedes experimentar un estado de profunda y completa relajacion. Con la practica, consigues mantenerte en ese estado intermedio que esta entre el sueno y la vigilia donde puedes conectar con tu mundo interior, con tus intuiciones, y es el estado donde puedes plantar afirmaciones en el subconsciente que te ayuden a conseguir tus objetivos personales en la vida.



Autor: Ana Sesma

Número de Páginas: 352

Yoga-nidra, el dormir del yogui, es una potente herramienta de autobservación, descubrimiento y pacificación. En un sorprendente viaje de relajación profunda para el que únicamente necesitas tumbarte y confiar, Yoga-nidra te lleva a descubrir y traspasar las montañas y valles del cuerpo físico, respirar con placer la brisa del propio aliento de vida, visitar los paisajes de los procesos mentales, vadear las corrientes de emociones que parecían insalvables, olvidar los parajes conocidos sumiéndonos en lo desconocido y, finalmente, cobijarnos en ese espacio cálido y seguro de nuestro centro en armonía. Con extrema sensibilidad, la autora nos ofrece explicaciones detalladas sobre cada uno de los elementos que componen esta técnica, consideraciones biológicas y una vasta referencia a científicos o psicólogos. En suma, este trabajo constituye un manual de consulta muy útil tanto para profesores de yoga, personas que se inician en prácticas de relajación y meditación, como para lectores interesados en el bienestar, el autoconocimiento y la salud.

What's Possible?

What's Possible?

Autor: Mary Roberts

Número de Páginas: 192

I am Mary Roberts (Padmavati). Discovering a different path at the age of 61, after a lifetime of traditional living was completely unextpected. My rather ordinary life journey became an unlikely adventure. My story began with a typical treadmill of life in our Western culture. School, then career path, then marriage and children. Yet, I couldn't help but feel that something indefinable was missing. I began my exploration of the ancient sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda which led me to a week-long Ayurveda conference at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas. Somehow I created the proposal and presented it to KP Khalsa, renowned herbalist and Ayurveda specialist and co-author of this book. Together, we wanted to find out what was possible. This book takes you on the year-long journey with before and after photos, actual journal entries, milestone reports and final results. I'd be honored to share my story with you. - Mary Roberts, Author

Qigong in Yoga Teaching and Practice

Qigong in Yoga Teaching and Practice

Autor: Joo Teoh

Número de Páginas: 144

This book inspires yoga teachers to explore the synergy between qigong and yoga sequencing through an exploration of how qigong principles, postures and themes can be incorporated into yoga. It allows yoga teachers to add a dimension of physical and energetic awareness during movement and in asana. Introducing key concepts, Joo Teoh demonstrates the application of each aspect as well as addressing variations and adaptations for different physical limitations. This book is also supported by black and white illustrations and photographs. This book is part of the series 'Yoga Teaching Guides', which provides expert information on essential topics as well as ideas for creative teaching.

Los Cinco Tibetanos

Los Cinco Tibetanos

Autor: Christopher S. Kilham

Número de Páginas: 96

The Five Tibetans are a yogic system of highly energizing postures and exercises that originated in the Himalayas. Liberating and enhancing the innate energetic power of the human body and mind, these five exercises take a minimum of daily time and effort but offer remarkable results in the way of increased physical strength and suppleness as well as mental acuity. In addition, these exercises can be a vehicle for enlivening the senses and generating and harnessing energy for the purpose of self-transformation. Regular practice of these postures: Relieves muscular tension and nervous stress Improves respiration and digestion Benefits the cardiovascular system Leads to deep relaxation and well-being Tunes and energizes the chakras • The Five Tibetans are explained within the context of traditional yoga, providing a foundation for understanding. • Black-and-white photographs and illustrations complement the text and clearly indicate the proper execution of each exercise.

Radiant Rest

Radiant Rest

Autor: Tracee Stanley

Número de Páginas: 225

Develop a powerful practice of deep relaxation and transformative self-inquiry with this essential guide to yoga nidra, accompanied by downloadable audio meditations. Yoga nidra is a practice devoted to allowing your body and mind to rest while your consciousness remains awake and aware, creating the opportunity for you to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself and your true nature. At its heart, yoga nidra is about waking up to the fullness of your life. In Radiant Rest, Tracee Stanley draws on over twenty years of experience as a yoga nidra teacher and practitioner to introduce the history of yoga nidra, mind and body relaxation, and the surprising power of rest in our daily lives. This accessible guide shares six essential practices arranged around the koshas, the five subtle layers of the body: the physical, energetic, mental, intuitive, and bliss bodies. It also offers shorter, accessible practices for people pressed for time. Each practice is explained through step-by-step instructions and ends with self-inquiry prompts. A set of guided audio meditations provide further instruction. Feel a greater sense of stability, peace, and clarity in all aspects of your life as you ...

Healing Addiction with Yoga

Healing Addiction with Yoga

Autor: Annalisa Cunningham

Número de Páginas: 160

Especially oriented toward those in 12-step programs, this comprehensive wellness guide describes how yoga can stimulate recovery from addiction by bringing the mind and body closer together. The supportive and understanding text presents a 21-day yoga regimen using dynamic affirmations, relaxation techniques, nutrition and lifestyle suggestions, aerobic activities, and journal writing, all of which are geared to incorporate the 12-step philosophy into yoga practice. The featured poses are drawn from the popular hatha yoga tradition, while the complementary contemplations are applicable not only to addicts, but to anyone seeking physical and spiritual enrichment. Newly updated and revised, the guide includes beautiful, professional photographs throughout to demonstrate the wide variety of asanas.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 152

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 178

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 192

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 232

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual Assault: Practices for Healing and Teaching with Compassion

Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual Assault: Practices for Healing and Teaching with Compassion

Autor: Zahabiyah Yamasaki

Número de Páginas: 256

Trauma-informed yoga guidance for survivors, instructors, and mental health professionals. Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual Assault provides a comprehensive overview of how to offer yoga to survivors of sexual assault in a safe, effective, evidence-based, and healing way. Transcending Sexual Trauma through Yoga founder Zahabiyah A. Yamasaki draws on the framework of trauma-informed care and trauma-informed yoga program development and curriculum, while also weaving in personal narrative and inspiring survivor stories. She explores practical considerations for survivors, as well as for yoga teachers, mental health professionals, educators, and other healing professionals who are interested in integrating trauma-informed yoga into the scope of their work and/or healing. This book expands the scope and framework for healing and fills a much-needed gap in service delivery for survivors. Yamasaki provides holistic, trauma-informed, body-based, compassionate, and culturally affirming options for survivors as they navigate what is oftentimes a lifelong and nonlinear process of healing. A companion card deck of affirmations, Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Sexual...

The Secret Life of Sleep

The Secret Life of Sleep

Autor: Kat Duff

Número de Páginas: 256

Citing a high percentage of Americans who routinely experience sleep problems or shortages, draws on a wide range of disciplines to reveal the healing benefits of sleep and argue for its prioritizing.

El uso mágico y ritual de las hierbas

El uso mágico y ritual de las hierbas

Autor: Richard Alan Miller

Número de Páginas: 116

Richard Alan Miller, bioquímico, físico y herbolario de profesión, combina su conocimiento de la ciencia y los rituales para la exploración y practica de la magia de las hierbas. Su libro describe el uso histórico, la estructura química, la preparación para el consumo y los rituales mágicos de diecinueve hierbas narcóticas, alucinógenas, estimulantes y sedantes, que incluyen semillas de maravilla, lechuga silvestre, damiana, escutelaria y hongos psilocybe. Se examina la química de cada hierba para determinar cómo afecta la percepción consciente de la realidad y se recomiendan los rituales correspondientes para aumentar la conciencia física y psicológica. Al detallar los usos de las plantas en otras culturas y tradiciones religiosas, además de indicar las precauciones necesarias, el autor explica cómo se pueden utilizar estas sustancias naturales para aumentar la sexualidad, así como para la relajación muscular, el masaje, los ritos de iniciación, la proyección astral y el desarrollo espiritual.

The Science of Baseball

The Science of Baseball

Autor: Will Carroll

Número de Páginas: 224

In The Science of Baseball, sportswriter and injury expert Will Carroll shows how understanding the science behind the Great American Pastime helps fans appreciate its nuances and that it enhances, not detracts from the greatest game ever invented. Carroll, as well as several experts via interviews, covers topics like what makes the ball break, bounce, and fly; how material science and physics work together to make the bat function; how hitters use physics, geometry, and force to connect; sensors and cameras; injuries; and much more. Baseball aficionados and science geeks alike will better appreciate the game--no matter which teams are playing--after reading this comprehensive book!

Life of Yogananda

Life of Yogananda

Autor: Philip Goldberg

Número de Páginas: 378

"A brilliant account of what history will recognize as one of the most significant lives of the 20th century" (Ken Wilber, author of The Religion of Tomorrow). Paramahansa Yogananda was called "the 20th century's first superstar guru" (Los Angeles Times), and today, nearly a century after he arrived in the United States, he's still the best known and most beloved of all the Indian spiritual teachers who have come to the West. In this captivating book, newly available in paperback, Yogananda's story finally has the authoritative telling it deserves. Considered by many to be the father of modern yoga, Yogananda has had an unsurpassed global impact thanks to the durability of his teachings, the institutions he created or inspired, and especially his iconic memoir, Autobiography of a Yogi. Since its publication in 1946, that book has sold millions of copies and changed millions of lives. But it doesn't tell the whole story. Much of Yogananda's seminal text is devoted to tales about other people, and it largely overlooks the three vital decades he spent living, working, and teaching in America. Huge chunks of his life--challenges, controversies, and crises; triumphs, relationships, and ...

AstrologíA. la Biblioteca de Esoterismo

AstrologíA. la Biblioteca de Esoterismo

Autor: Andrea Richards , Susan Miller

Número de Páginas: 520

Looking to the sky, the second volume in TASCHEN's Library of Esoterica series delves into the vibrant visual history of Western astrology. From its birth as astronomy's sister science, to our current Age of Aquarius, the story of this ancient practice is told through more than 400 images--from Egyptian temples to contemporary art--sequenced to...

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 272

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Daring to Rest

Daring to Rest

Autor: Karen Brody

Número de Páginas: 248

What if you could reboot your health, tap into your creative self, reclaim your wild nature, lead from your heart—and still feel well rested? As modern women, we’re taught that we can do it all, have it all, and be it all. While this freedom is beautiful, it’s also exhausting. Being a “worn-out woman” is now so common that we think feeling tired all the time is normal. According to Karen Brody, feeling this exhausted is not normal—and it’s holding us back. In Daring to Rest, Brody comes to the rescue with a 40-day program to help you reclaim rest and access your most powerful, authentic self through yoga nidra, a meditative practice that guides you into one of the deepest states of relaxation imaginable. It’s time to lie down and begin the journey to waking up Though it comes from the yogic tradition, yoga nidra doesn’t look like a typical yoga class—the entire practice is done lying down. As you listen to a guided meditation, you’re gently taken into complete inner stillness, effortlessly releasing into a healing state that works on both cellular and subtle body levels. With Daring to Rest, Brody presents a comprehensive yoga nidra program that unfolds in...

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 200

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

The iRest Program for Healing PTSD

The iRest Program for Healing PTSD

Autor: Richard C. Miller

Número de Páginas: 216

If you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you know how debilitating the symptoms can be. Many times, people with PTSD will suffer flashbacks, have intense nightmares and difficulty sleeping, and may feel angry, anxious, and constantly “on alert.” Living with PTSD is extremely difficult, but there are ways that you can manage your symptoms and, in time, recover. In The iRest Program for Healing PTSD, clinical psychologist and yogic scholar Richard C. Miller-named one of the top twenty-five yoga teachers by Yoga Journal-offers an innovative and proven-effective ten-step yoga program for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The deep relaxation meditations in this book will help you overcome the common symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression, and maintain emotional stability so that you can return to living a full, meaningful life. The author's iRest protocol is an integrative approach that heals the various unresolved issues, traumas, and wounds that are present in the body and mind. It recognizes the underlying sense of calm that is always present, even amidst all changing circumstances of life. Extensive research has shown that...

Sin imagen

La solución Mindfulness

Autor: Ronald D. Siegel

Número de Páginas: 472

La plena conciencia brinda una senda hacia el bienestar y un herramental para hacer frente a los escollos de la vida cotidiana Y aunque pueda parecernos una cosa exótica, podemos cultivarla -y cosechar sus comprobados beneficios- sin un adiestramiento ni gasto de tiempo especiales. El doctor Ronald Siegel, experimentado terapeuta y experto en esta rama de la psicología, nos muestra en esta guía de agradable lectura cómo hacerlo exactamente. Podremos utilizar estrategias eficaces mientras nos dirigimos en coche al trabajo, sacamos a pasear el perro o lavamos los platos; también encontraremos otros consejos útiles para poner en práctica un plan sencillo y formal en tan sólo veinte minutos al día. Unos planes de acción flexibles, graduales, nos ayudarán a vivir más centrados y a ser más eficaces en nuestro quehacer cotidiano; es decir, a hacer frente a sentimientos difíciles como, por ejemplo, la ira y la tristeza; a profundizar nuestra relación de pareja; a sentirnos más descansados y menos estresados; a domeñar hábitos poco sanos; a encontrar alivio a la ansiedad y la depresión, y a resolver problemas relacionados con el estrés tales como el dolor, el insomnio y ...

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 152

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 72

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 176

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal

Número de Páginas: 136

For more than 30 years, Yoga Journal has been helping readers achieve the balance and well-being they seek in their everyday lives. With every issue,Yoga Journal strives to inform and empower readers to make lifestyle choices that are healthy for their bodies and minds. We are dedicated to providing in-depth, thoughtful editorial on topics such as yoga, food, nutrition, fitness, wellness, travel, and fashion and beauty.

True Happiness

True Happiness

Autor: Mark Atkinson

Número de Páginas: 384

Are you fed up with the way you feel? Are fear, anger, low self-acceptance or other negative emotions holding you back from living the life you want? If, like so many others, you are unable to recognise what you really feel or want, this book will be invaluable. In THE MOOD DOCTOR'S GUIDE TO HAPPINESS, Dr Mark Atkinson will show you how to transform your mind and mood in order to realise your fullest potential for happiness. Packed with questionnaires, practical advice and exercises, this groundbreaking book will help you identify and release emotional baggage; change self-limiting beliefs and increase confidence; deepen your relationships and so much more. Ultimately it will help you discover your true self, that aspect that holds your unique talents and gifts and the one that can help you live a deeply fulfilling and happy life.

Siete Mil Maneras de Escuchar

Siete Mil Maneras de Escuchar

Autor: Mark Nepo

Número de Páginas: 224

Empleamos gran parte de nuestra vida en escuchar y en avanzar. Cada nuevo día asumimos el riesgo de ser auténticos. Y esto implica enfrentarnos con la necesidad de detenernos en nuestro centro para gozar de una existencia plena. Siete mil maneras de escuchar nos propone un viaje hacia nuestro interior para tomar conciencia de lo que somos y trabajar cada uno de los aspectos que nos hacen únicos. Mark Nepo, poeta y filósofo con más de veinticinco años de experiencia docente y experto en espiritualidad, nos insta a tomar conciencia de los sonidos, de las voces que nos rodean además de la nuestra, a no perder de vista la verdad, a aprender de los silencioas, a recuperar la confianza, a dejar de herirnos...para encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo y el secreto de las relaciones con otros. Una obra repleta de sabiduría que nos invita a la pausa y a la reflexión, un impulso enérgico que nos mueve, nos conmueve y nos alienta a mantener una conversación con lo que en realidad somos para localizar el sentido de nuestro caminar.

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